I am always thinking of new things that perhaps some of you can use to your advantage. I honestly had lots of ideas for this post, so I finally decided to put all my thoughts together on this one.
Toddlers (Unisex)I decided to leave this section more unisex only because most of the toys at this age (with a few exceptions) are unisex for the most part.
1. Bucket and Pail
I used this favor idea for my son's first birthday party. I also had my Mom put letters on (we only had four toddlers) to personalize them. At first my Mom was going to paint them and then she decided to get stick on letters and then gloss the letters over with a finishing type of paint so they would stay on better. It was the summer and our theme was more of a summer theme so it worked out great!

2. Snack Containers/Tooth Brushes
Toddlers for the most party really do not care about getting birthday party favors. An idea my sister had was give away snack containers she bought as a pack (gave out singularly) with a small snack such single pack goldfish with a toddler tooth brush which also came in a pack but gave out singularly. It was a huge hit for the parents!

3. Themed Coloring Books/Crayons
This can be as easy as going to the dollar store for these and every toddler I know loves to color. Just make sure the crayons are in the parents hands!

4. Bubbles
What is there not to love about bubbles! You can even look for bubble containers that have your theme!

5. Board Books
You can also find some great deals with board books that come in packs. To give away. Depending on the number of kids you can give a few books out at a time.
Older Girls1. Edible Jewelry
I honestly still remember getting a whole bag of edible jewelry (necklace/bracelet)with sticker earrings when I was about six.

2. Cute Coin Purses
You can find some really good deals in bulk in getting cute coin purses.
Coin Purse Link
3. Jump Rope
This is a fantastic idea (if I do say so myself). It promotes fitness and you can really find these for really cheap. Finish it off with a cute hair bow that you can make from a roll of ribbon from Michaels and it turns into a great favor!

4. Rock Star Accessories
I think this is more in favor of those girls that are in the Hannah Montana stage, but perhaps a pretend microphone paired with rock star sun glasses and long beads would be lots of fun!

5. Dress Up
Every little girl wants to be a princess, so perhaps buy some inexpensive tiaras, fake jewelry and maybe even a wand!

6. Create Your Own Build A Bear
This could be both an activity and a party favor. Get a few cheap bears from Michaels or any other craft store with blank shirts that fit the bears (usually in the same aisle). Buy some bubble paint to write on the shirts and you have a great party favor and one that takes some time!
Older Boys1. Toy Cars
Every little boy LOVES toy cars. You can buy packs of them at the dollar store. Either give the pack out as a whole or separate the packs into little favor bags and pair it with some candy.

2. Action Figures
Depending on the age and even theme you can get dinosaurs, army men, animals, etc., Finish it off with some related stickers or candy!

3. Daggers/Light Sabers
Now if you are a BRAVE parent, then you can attempt this if you are having a pirate theme birthday or a Stars Wars themed birthday. I highly recommend not letting the boys see this until they are going home. Light Sabers can also get very expensive so shop around! After Halloween specials are really great for this.

4. Plane Kit Set
This almost does not have to go with a theme to your party. I love the plane kit sets and it is so much fun AND it keeps the kids busy rather they are at your house or the parents house. It is pretty inexpensive too. Pair it with some stickers or candy to complete the favor.

5. Super Heros
This idea is for the crafty Mom. I am sure you can buy some capes online that are blank, but you could also make your own. This is also an activity that the boys can do. Buy some bubble paint (the type you write on clothing) and have them create their own super hero cape.
Unisex Favors for Older Children1. Take Home Cups
This can really be used for any age group. You can use the cups while you are at the party and then send the kids home with them. I think it is pretty cool!

2. PlayDoh
This is always a hit. Every kid loves to play with this stuff. Pair two colors of playdoh and an inexpensive playdoh toy (playdoh cookie cutter)to complete the favor bag.

3. Lego Sets
Usually they are expensive, but you can find some great smaller sets online that you can divide a few pieces up and perhaps put a couple of little miniature lego people in the bags as well.

4. Card Games

5. Magic Tricks
I thought about putting this in the boy section, but then was like I loved to play with magic sets when I was little too and felt this could be more unisex.