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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Welcome To Another NOVA Parenting Site!

I am sorry to say that Super NOVA Mom will be taking a long break from her blog to prioritize other things in her life. I really loved going to her site each week to see if what there was to do with either my husband or my kids. Although I am sorry to see her leave, I understand the circumstances. Honestly I was really bummed, because I personally know a lot of people that visit her site regularly.

That being said, she inspired me to create a sister site off my parenting blog called NOVA Parenting Activities. I could of had posted weekly activities, but with the work that I soon found to be much more then I thought, it would probably get lost in this blog. Therefore I created a new one.

Please provide feedback. If you hear of area events that I have not listed please let me know. I always am looking to improve on this website and now NOVA Parenting Activities.

I wish you well Super NOVA Mom!

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